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Checkface for this page

CheckFace based on hash for this page

Using the CheckFace API

The API is available at

You’re in luck that it’s not authenticated; it’s an entirely open API!
It would be appreciated if you add a &for=your_project_name query parameter to requests so that we can filter the logs if things go wrong, especially if you’re asking for help with the api by email or github issues.

The API is likely to go down or have maintenance at unpredictable times, sometimes for days or weeks. If you plan on using it for something critical, get in touch.



Returns a http 200 success if the API is available


Generate a single image Use either value, seed or guid parameters to specify the face

Query Parameters

dim optional int between 10-1024

value optional string is any free text such as the hash of a file

seed optional int corresponding to the seed used in the random number generator to generate latents

guid optional guid globally unique identifier returned by /api/registerlatent or /api/encodeimage

format optional string if set to webp, returns a webp image. Defaults to jpg


An image



Get the latent Use either value, seed or guid parameters to specify the latent

Query Parameters

value optional string is any free text such as the hash of a file

seed optional int corresponding to the seed used in the random number generator to generate latents

guid optional guid globally unique identifier returned by /api/registerlatent or /api/encodeimage


Json object with data about the latent used for the given value

    "qlatent": [0.4221103225421117,-0.31882407908604915,0.36004541443342347,...],
    "seed": 78062172



Returns a single frame from a morph. Can be used to get the midpoint,

Use from_* and to_* parameters to specify the start and end points of the morph. You can mix and match values, seeds and guids.

Query Parameters

dim optional int between 10-1024 is the size of the gif in px

num_frames optional int between 3-200 is the number of frames. Defaults to 50

frame_num int between 0 to (num_frames-1) specify the specific frame to return

linear boolen set true for a linear morph from start to end rather than trig based

from_value, to_value optional string is any free text such as the hash of a file

from_seed, to_seed optional int corresponding to the seed used in the random number generator to generate latents

from_guid, to_guid optional guid globally unique identifier returned by /api/registerlatent or /api/encodeimage


An image




Creates a gif or animated webp morphing between two images. Use either from_* and to_* parameters to specify the start and end points of the morph. You can mix and match values, seeds and guids.

Query Parameters

dim optional int between 10-1024 is the size of the gif in px

fps optional int between 1-100 is the frames per second

num_frames optional int between 3-200 is the number of frames in the gif

from_value, to_value optional string is any free text such as the hash of a file

from_seed, to_seed optional int corresponding to the seed used in the random number generator to generate latents

from_guid, to_guid optional guid globally unique identifier returned by /api/registerlatent or /api/encodeimage


A gif or animated webp




Creates an mp4 morphing between two images.

Use either from_* and to_* parameters to specify the start and end points of the mp4. You can mix and match values, seeds and guids.

Setting embed_html=true embeds the video in an HTML document, which automatically loops the video like a gif. This is useful when trying out the api in a browser manually.

Query Parameters

dim optional int between 10-1024 is the size of the mp4 in px

fps optional int between 1-100 is the frames per second

num_frames optional int between 3-200 is the number of frames in the mp4

from_value, to_value optional string is any free text such as the hash of a file

from_seed, to_seed optional int corresponding to the seed used in the random number generator to generate latents

from_guid, to_guid optional guid globally unique identifier returned by /api/registerlatent or /api/encodeimage

embed_html optional boolean determines whether the response is embedded in an HTML document and loops


If embed_html=true, returns an html document, otherwise returns an mp4 video.




Creates an image with each endpoint and the midpoint. Intented to be used as the link preview for a morph.

Use from_* and to_* parameters to specify the start and end points of the mp4. You can mix and match values, seeds and guids.

Query Parameters

width optional int between 100-1400 is the width of the image in px. Defaults to 1200 width and height of 628

from_value, to_value optional string is any free text such as the hash of a file

from_seed, to_seed optional int corresponding to the seed used in the random number generator to generate latents

from_guid, to_guid optional guid globally unique identifier returned by /api/registerlatent or /api/encodeimage


An image


POST /api/registerlatent/

POST json to this endpoint to register a latent for later use. It returns a guid which can be used later in guid parameters.

Use content type application/json.


The body should be a json object:

    "latent": [0.12135718, -0.41143386,  0.77926035,...],
    "type": "test"


Plaintext guid referencing the latent

For example



With curl (click here to expand)
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
	"latent": [ 5, -0.33087015,  2.43077119, -0.25209213,  0.10960984,
        1.58248112, -0.9092324 , -0.59163666,  0.18760323, -0.32986996,
       -1.19276461, -0.20487651, -0.35882895,  0.6034716 , -1.66478853,
       -0.70017904,  1.15139101,  1.85733101, -1.51117956,  0.64484751,
       -0.98060789, -0.85685315, -0.87187918, -0.42250793,  0.99643983,
        0.71242127,  0.05914424, -0.36331088,  0.00328884, -0.10593044,
        0.79305332, -0.63157163, -0.00619491, -0.10106761, -0.05230815,
        0.24921766,  0.19766009,  1.33484857, -0.08687561,  1.56153229,
       -0.30585302, -0.47773142,  0.10073819,  0.35543847,  0.26961241,
        1.29196338,  1.13934298,  0.4944404 , -0.33633626, -0.10061435,
        1.41339802,  0.22125412, -1.31077313, -0.68956523, -0.57751323,
        1.15220477, -0.10716398,  2.26010677,  0.65661947,  0.12480683,
       -0.43570392,  0.97217931, -0.24071114, -0.82412345,  0.56813272,
        0.01275832,  1.18906073, -0.07359332, -2.85968797,  0.7893664 ,
       -1.87774088,  1.53875615,  1.82136474, -0.42703139, -1.16470191,
       -1.39707402,  0.87265462, -0.20211818, -0.59835993, -0.2434197 ,
        2.08851469,  0.34691933,  0.74572695,  0.77690759,  1.01842113,
        1.06135144, -0.71046645, -0.2151878 , -0.76076031, -0.71116323,
        1.14150774, -0.50175555, -0.07915136, -0.69282634, -0.59340277,
        0.78823794, -0.44542999, -0.48212019,  0.49355766,  0.50048733,
        0.79242262,  0.17076445, -1.75374086,  0.63029648,  0.49832921,
        1.01813761, -0.84646862,  2.52080763, -1.23238611,  0.72695326,
        0.04595522, -0.48713265,  0.81613236, -0.28143012, -2.33562182,
       -1.16727845,  0.45765807,  2.23796561, -1.4812592 , -0.01694532,
        1.45073354,  0.60687032, -0.37562084, -1.42192455, -1.7811513 ,
       -0.74790579, -0.36840953, -2.24911813, -1.69367504,  0.30364847,
       -0.40899234, -0.75483059, -0.40751917, -0.81262476,  0.92751621,
        1.63995407,  2.07361553,  0.70979786,  0.74715259,  1.46309548,
        1.73844881,  1.46520488,  1.21228341, -0.6346525 , -1.5996985 ,
        0.87715281, -0.09383245, -0.05567103, -0.88942073, -1.30095145,
        1.40216662,  0.46510099, -1.06503262,  0.39042061,  0.30560017,
        0.52184949,  2.23327081, -0.0347021 , -1.27962318,  0.03654264,
       -0.64635659,  0.54856784,  0.21054246,  0.34650175, -0.56705117,
        0.41367881, -0.51025606,  0.51725935, -0.30100513, -1.11840643,
        0.49852362, -0.70609387,  1.4438811 ,  0.44295626,  0.46770521,
        0.10134479, -0.05935198, -2.38669774,  1.22217056, -0.81391201,
        0.95626186, -0.63851056, -0.14312642, -0.22418983, -1.03849524,
       -0.17170905,  0.47634618, -0.41417827, -1.26408334, -0.57321556,
        0.24981732,  1.14720208,  0.83594396,  0.28740365, -0.9955963 ,
        0.90688947,  0.02421074, -0.23998173,  0.91011056,  0.61784475,
        0.49961804, -1.15154425, -0.6105164 , -1.70388541,  0.19443738,
        0.02824125,  0.93256051,  0.21204332, -0.36794457,  2.1114884 ,
       -1.02957349, -1.33628031, -0.61056736,  0.52469426, -0.34930813,
       -0.44073846, -1.1212876 ,  1.47284473, -0.62337224, -1.08070195,
       -0.12253009, -0.8077431 , -0.23255622,  1.33515034, -0.44645673,
       -0.04978868, -0.36854478, -0.19173957,  0.81967992,  0.53163372,
       -0.34161504, -0.93090048, -0.13421699,  0.83259361, -0.01735327,
       -0.12765822, -1.80791662,  0.99396898, -1.49112886, -1.28210748,
       -0.37570741,  0.03464388,  0.04507816, -0.76374689, -0.31313851,
       -0.60698954, -1.80955123, -0.25551774, -0.69379935,  0.41919776,
       -0.14520019,  0.9638013 ,  0.69622199,  0.89940546,  1.20837807,
        0.6932537 , -0.16636061,  1.35311311, -0.92862651, -0.03547249,
        0.85964595, -0.28749661,  0.71494995, -0.8034526 , -0.54048196,
        0.54617743,  0.71188926,  1.19715449, -0.07006703,  0.29822712,
        0.62619261,  0.46743206, -1.30262143, -0.57008965,  1.44295001,
       -1.24399513,  0.62888033, -0.42559213,  1.00320956, -0.77817761,
        0.04894463, -2.02640189, -0.04193635,  1.07454278, -1.5008594 ,
        1.18574443, -0.71508124, -0.05123853, -2.77458336,  1.07862813,
       -0.87568592, -0.53810932, -1.2782157 , -0.99276945,  1.14342789,
       -0.5090726 ,  0.89500094, -0.17620337,  0.34608347, -0.50631013,
        0.42716402,  2.58856959,  0.65289301,  0.50583979, -0.47595083,
        1.01090874,  1.35920097, -1.70208997, -1.38033223,  2.10177668,
        0.42589917,  0.12920023,  0.56296251,  1.09676472,  0.80081885,
       -0.22308327,  2.06367066,  0.0126235 , -0.8747738 , -0.55707938,
       -0.13230195, -0.37922499, -0.18779371,  0.31546615, -3.28391545,
       -0.77869325,  0.95034471,  0.5630013 , -0.68065407, -0.62450339,
        1.14049594, -0.24772894, -0.53020527,  1.8557144 , -0.36987213,
        0.68424682, -0.0456703 ,  0.05078665, -0.94722556, -0.82698742,
        1.25807361, -1.13889026,  0.27736012, -1.19444596, -0.24043683,
       -0.03720827, -1.6296784 ,  1.13486338, -0.18379943,  1.21473773,
       -0.93427859,  0.91186241,  2.3342401 ,  0.21653196, -0.64706848,
        0.47870605,  0.14082715, -0.2099986 , -0.12050664, -0.57882578,
        0.42386759, -0.38733136, -0.85686815,  0.81531389, -0.16581602,
        2.64535345, -0.24946988, -0.71733789, -0.54949733,  0.37108695,
       -0.69734581, -1.26330116,  1.63921233, -1.24014464,  1.51364577,
        0.14105657, -1.06209796,  1.6663804 , -0.2034536 , -1.00754753,
        0.06540956,  1.28644574,  0.68374332,  0.8262448 ,  1.75433632,
        0.21456398,  0.37581479, -0.22598417, -1.45469387, -0.14453466,
        1.61697881, -1.73105363,  1.34394613,  0.26153957, -0.91051935,
        0.06546949,  1.77632213, -0.57313319,  0.79059361,  1.13151397,
       -0.897094  ,  0.63271186,  0.53515515, -0.47415241,  0.68498591,
       -0.36119419, -0.57742993, -1.2347295 ,  0.38547989, -0.42918999,
       -0.55892627, -1.14899998, -1.36515578, -0.78923902,  0.72995982,
       -0.81388187,  1.4448595 ,  0.40825946,  0.15806514, -1.20324067,
        1.95358868, -1.4406335 ,  0.53407511,  1.69432832, -0.19894722,
       -0.68352568, -0.01899812,  0.9156626 ,  1.35870723,  0.60443768,
       -1.06941562, -0.6741898 ,  0.20340805, -1.27616516, -0.24030333,
        2.24095357, -1.05746192,  1.16055901, -0.93298444, -0.34072389,
       -0.07013113, -1.50552315, -0.10507983,  1.29682083,  0.7171925 ,
        0.69777111, -0.80449784, -0.14505178,  0.2023229 ,  0.67869955,
        1.34251188, -0.99933073,  1.69954809, -0.28621623, -0.25163697,
       -1.20844686, -0.06779508, -0.22818598, -1.23450433, -0.29138373,
        0.12135718, -0.41143386,  0.77926035, -1.02468459,  0.88988217,
       -0.18598247,  0.37226978, -1.84518514,  0.12914587, -0.06190023,
        0.9357079 , -1.17990317,  1.36404151, -1.08263117,  1.31669419,
        0.57819563, -0.7544614 ,  2.16976159, -1.19562434, -0.17197421,
        0.20706706,  0.52178374,  0.22638929,  0.79913028,  0.45924581,
        0.03269967, -0.92956292, -0.345037  ,  0.90247952, -1.16649931,
        0.11099181, -2.04839658, -0.69561095, -1.62316059,  1.24454078,
       -1.82274919, -0.2396064 ,  0.72844306,  0.60888427,  0.77318471,
        1.06235383,  0.47350502,  0.83459787, -0.05414128, -0.02563969,
       -1.76040064,  0.16870521,  1.26727682, -0.7479485 , -1.16974715,
        0.09123447,  1.13441899],
	"type": "test"

POST /api/encodeimage/

POST an image to this endpoint to encode it as a latent. It returns a guid which can be used later in guid parameters.

Use multipart/form-data content type. Make sure the file is a valid image file and is not too big.

Form Data

tryalign boolen set true to try aligning the face

usrimg file an image file


Json object containing the guid and whether or not it aligned the face

